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Trung tâm Công tác xã hội - giáo dục nghề nghiệp cho người khuyết tật Hà Tĩnh
Trung tâm Công tác xã hội - giáo dục nghề nghiệp cho người khuyết tật Hà Tĩnh
1. General information about the unit:
- The Center for Social Work - Vocational Education for the Disabled in Ha Tinh is a public service unit, under the Department of Labor - Invalids and Social Affairs.
Head office: No. 146 Tran Phu Street, Ha Tinh City, Ha Tinh Province; Phone: 02393.850201, 02393.853279; Fax: 0393.851868.
Electronic information portal: 2. Legal basis for establishing the Center: The Center for Social Work - Vocational Education for the Disabled in Ha Tinh Ha Tinh was established on the basis of the following legal documents: - Law on Vocational Education; Law on Children; - Decree No. 55/2012/ND-CP dated June 28, 2012 of the Government regulating the establishment, reorganization and dissolution of public service units; - Resolution No. 98/2018/NQ-HDND dated July 18, 2018 of the Provincial People's Council on consolidating and developing the network of social assistance facilities in Ha Tinh province for the period 2018-2025, with a vision to 2030; - Decision No. 1595/QD-UBND dated May 30, 2019 of the People's Committee of Ha Tinh province on the establishment of the Social Work Center - Children's Protection Fund, counseling, vocational education, and rehabilitation for people with disabilities in Ha Tinh. 3. Functions, tasks and powers: According to Decision No. 2106 / QD- SLĐTBXH dated March 4, 2024 of the Director of the Department of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs, the functions, tasks and powers of the Center are stipulated as follows: - Functions: The Center for Social Work - Vocational Education for the Disabled is a public service unit under the Department of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs ( hereinafter referred to as the Center ) , performing the function of mobilizing resources to support children in especially difficult circumstances; consulting and assisting subjects belonging to social groups in special circumstances, providing public services to social subjects in need, organizing communication and building a network of collaborators and social workers; vocational training; linking vocational training; consulting, introducing jobs, and rehabilitation for people with disabilities in the province. - Tasks and powers: (1). Develop annual and long-term programs and plans to mobilize resources from domestic and foreign organizations to create capital for the Children's Support Fund to support children in especially difficult circumstances in the province. (2). Coordinate with relevant levels, sectors, localities, unions, organizations and individuals at home and abroad to organize and implement programs, projects and activities to support the care of children in difficult circumstances.(3).
Organize propaganda for the activities of the Children's Support Fund and publicize the results of contributions from sponsors.
(4) . Organize training and professional development for officials, civil servants and public employees working for the Children's Support Fund and provide guidance on the management and use of the Children's Support Fund at all levels according to regulations.
(5) . Receive information or requests from subjects in special circumstances; assess needs, classify and refer services (care, settlement of social allowances, support for subjects in family, individual, adoption, social housing models; short-term, medium-term or long-term care in various types of facilities; or support subjects to access educational services, medical services, legal aid services or connect to implement social welfare policies for subjects...).
(6) . Provide advice and consultation to resolve stress in emotional relationships and assist social subjects to access social services; Organize meetings to find out difficulties and ways to solve them; provide assistance with food and temporary accommodation; support medical examination and treatment, study, vocational training, job search, income improvement; entertainment, cultural and spiritual activities.
(7) . Organize community support activities, improve problem detection capacity, develop resource mobilization plans through programs and projects, organize and implement plans with the participation of people and social subjects, promote community development.
(8) . Provide consultation, emergency care or support other necessary conditions for subjects in need of social assistance. Operate hotline 1800577756 to provide consultation and assistance to subjects in need.
(9) . Build a management information system on the development of the social work profession and the provision of social work services; organize the implementation of statistics, information and reporting work according to current regulations.
(10) . Research, survey; communication - policy advocacy; consulting and recommending policy development and building a network of collaborators and social workers to support people in special circumstances.
(11) . Develop and implement long-term and annual plans and programs on vocational training, specialized education, and education for autistic children suitable for vocational learners as prescribed by the Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs and the Provincial People's Committee.
(12) . Organize vocational training and skills development for people with disabilities; organize final exams to grant certificates and vocational certificates to people with disabilities according to regulations of the Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs.
(13). Link, relate, and cooperate with sectors, levels, organizations, and individuals domestically and internationally to improve the quality of vocational training, specialized cultural education, and education for autistic children.
(14). Consulting, introducing jobs for people with disabilities, supporting the establishment of production groups and groups suitable for the trained professions.
(15) . Organizing business and service activities according to the provisions of law.
(16) . Developing programs, projects, models to call for investment, joint ventures, mobilizing resources to support and assist in intervention for social groups: people with disabilities, the elderly, people with HIV, drug addicts, mentally disturbed people, children in especially difficult circumstances, integrating gender equality programs.
(17) . Developing and implementing rehabilitation models for people with disabilities at the Center and the community.
(18) . Implementing the management and use of civil servants and employees at the Center; ensuring policies and regimes for civil servants and employees at the Center according to the provisions of law and the management decentralization of the Provincial People's Committee.
(19) . Mobilize, rotate, raise salary (according to decentralization); implement salary and social insurance regimes; policies, treatment regimes, training, fostering, rewards, and discipline for cadres and employees under authority, decentralization, and regulations of law.
(20) . Implement regulations on autonomy and self-responsibility in performing tasks, organizing apparatus, personnel, and finance according to the provisions of Decree No. 43/2006/ND-CP dated April 25, 2006 of the Government stipulating autonomy and self-responsibility in performing tasks, organizing apparatus, staffing, and finance for public service units; Decree No. 16 /2015/ND-CP dated February 14, 2015 of the Government stipulating the autonomy mechanism of public service units.
(21) . Issue regulations on the organization and operation of the Center, and prescribe functions and tasks for affiliated professional departments.
(22) . Implement the information and reporting regime for assigned tasks according to regulations for competent authorities.
(23) . Perform other tasks assigned or authorized by the Director of the Department of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs. 4. Organizational structure of the Center: - Center leadership: 01 Director and 02 Deputy Directors. - Professional and technical departments: + Organization - Administration Department; + Social Work Department; + Department of Management and Mobilization of Children's Protection Fund; + Vocational Training and Job Introduction Department.